Welcome to Wesleyan International Class of 2026!
As you’re packing your bags and getting ready to begin your US academic journey, let us help you prepare with Academia, Culture, and Campus Life: What to Expect at Wes, a free Coursera Course offered by Wesleyan in conjunction with the Shapiro Center for Writing and the Office of International Student Affairs.
The course was developed by Prof. Beth Hepford and Selena Wang ‘20 as a way to introduce life at Wes by allowing incoming international students to explore all things Wesleyan including academic life, social life, US culture, and all of the resources available on campus. The course combines the voices of current and past international students, faculty, and staff that work with international students to provide them support and let them know what to expect as new Wesleyan students. The course opens July 1st and is scheduled as follows:
Week 1: Introducing Wesleyan and course
Week 2: Academic Culture at Wes
Week 3: Adjusting to Life in the US and Wesleyan’s Campus
Week 4: Reading, Writing, and Using Wesleyan’s Libraries
Week 5: Putting it All Together
To register, please go to the following website for directions on how to enroll: https://www.wesleyan.edu/writing/multilingual-writers/index.html or search for “Writing at Wesleyan” and look for the Multilingual Writers link on the left side of the page. That link will take you to the directions on how to enroll. If you cannot take the course starting in July, don’t worry, you can join throughout the year. We look forward to meeting you online!