Udall Scholarship

The Udall Undergraduate Scholarship provides networking opportunities and a $7000 per year scholarship to sophomores and juniors pursuing careers in three fields: (1) conservation and environmental issues, (2) tribal policy, and (3) Native health care. The Environment category is open to US citizens, nationals, and permanent residents while the Tribal Policy and Native Health Care … Read more

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program Application

Sophomores! The MMUF application is now open! Due February 4! MELLON MAYS UNDERGRADUATE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMThe MMUF is designed to increase the presence of historically underrepresented perspectives and groups in institutions of higher education. MMUF achieves this by supporting students who are working toward applying to graduate school in a range of fields in the humanities … Read more

Action needed for taking leave or withdrawing

If you are not going to be on campus this fall due to a leave of absence or withdrawal from the university and have not yet notified your class dean, it is extremely important that you do so prior to July 1, 2023.  Notifications received between July 1 and July 31 will result in a $500 … Read more


Students:  If you were not able to get into PSYC 105, there is a section being offered during the winter session. WesMaps link:  https://owaprod-pub.wesleyan.edu/reg/!wesmaps_page.html?stuid=&crse=016585&term=1230 Winter Session website: https://www.wesleyan.edu/wintersession/