Join the Office of Fellowships to hear about fellowship opportunities for those interested in careers centered on advancing the public good. We’ll talk about the role fellowships can play in helping you achieve your goals, the support you have access to through the Office of Fellowships and upcoming deadlines to be aware of.
During this session, we’ll have a virtual visit from Annika Freudenberger, who is a recipient of both the Truman Scholarship and Luce Scholarship. Annika is based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where she is a communications and non-profit organizational development consultant. She moved to Cambodia in 2020 with a Luce Scholarship. During her Luce year, she was based in Siem Reap, Cambodia, at the Center for Khmer Studies where she led its urban research program. Before moving to Cambodia, Annika was Ruckelshaus Fellow at Meridian Institute in Washington, D.C., where she worked with governments, foundations, the private sector, and civil society on climate, environment, and food systems challenges. Annika received her B.A. in Urban Studies from Barnard College in 2018 (which explains her nerdiness about urban design, maps, and public transit). Annika grew up in Madagascar and Burlington, Vermont; she is a 2017 Truman Scholar representing Vermont.
Lunch will be served. Register ahead to help us with the head count for ordering lunch!
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