Message for Transfer Students (Housing, Academic Road Map, Important Reminders)

Hello Transfer Students!

I hope you’re considering ways to explore your interests and passions at Wes. The Academic Road Map (in Wes Portal) is designed to help you do just that so that we can assign you a liberal arts advisor. Your liberal arts advisor is likely to change when you declare your major. Until that point, your liberal arts advisor can help you select classes and will approve your schedule before each semester. 

As you most likely know, campus housing is an integral part of the residential liberal arts college experience. While your studies are what bring you to Wesleyan and anchor your experiences here, the co-curricular opportunities that exist outside of the classroom in residence halls, campus houses, and other student spaces will help to enhance your educational experience in profound ways. Learning from a diversity of peers in a residential environment is a hallmark of living in a dynamic community like Wesleyan’s. There are also student and full-time administrative residential staff who will support you during your journey here. Take a look at this site, specifically dedicated to housing transfer students.

Please be sure to fill out the transfer housing preference form so that Residential Life can incorporate your preferences when making assignments. A link to the form should be visible in your WesPortal. Residential Life does try to house incoming transfer students near one another so that you’ll have a sense of community with one another.

The university also provides services and accommodations to make our resources more accessible. If you think this might be useful to you, check out more information here. 

Another helpful guide for selecting classes for the fall are placement tests. If you have an interest in a math or language course, you can take the applicable placement test to determine which classes are the best fit for your level of proficiency. These assessments are designed to help you, not cause stress. Consider them as opportunities for self-evaluation so that you don’t enroll in a course that’s incompatible with your level of proficiency. We do not recommend that you study for any placement tests; the goal is to assess what you know now. 

We are here to help you on this journey, so don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. Remember to pace yourself as well; while transitioning to a new college can be challenging, the bulk of the challenges should invigorate you, not drain you. Here is a quick video about transfer tips created by one of our peer advisors, Lila, who also transferred to Wesleyan. 

*Complete Academic Road Map Phase #1 (Deadline: June 27, 2024)

* Submit your Housing Preference Form (Deadline: June 27, 2024)

* Religious & Spiritual Life Survey (Deadline: June 27, 2024)

* Update Parent/Guardian Contact Info (Deadline: June 27, 2024)  

* Complete your Placement Tests (Deadline: July 5, 2024 by 5pm)

*Health forms and Immunization Records (Deadline: July 5, 2024)

*Upload Final Transcripts (Deadline: July 5, 2024)

*WesCard Photo Submission (Deadline: July 5, 2024)

*Meal Plan Selection (Deadline: July 5, 2024)